Audio feature: Plastic pollution

Feb 19, 2020

Image courtesy of Dustan Woodhouse on Unsplash. 

The issue of plastic pollution is an increasingly important one. The words themselves are slowly but surely becoming buzzwords in today’s world of uncertainty. From coverage in national newspapers, like the Daily Mail, to protests, petitions and being featured in the BBC series, Blue Planet II, the issue is gaining prominence in mainstream society. But that isn’t enough. The issue is bigger. We produce over 300 million tonnes of plastic each year – half of that is for single use. Our plastic consumption is severely impacting the planet and its wildlife. One plastic bottle takes over 450 years to break down in the ocean. A plastic bag takes 20 years. And even when they’ve broken down, they leave dangerous microplastics behind – which, eventually, make their way into our food chain. Something has to give. Changes need to be made.

Special thanks to … 
 Michelle Cassar – / City to Sea / Twitter / Instagram
Kirstie Brittain – / petition / Twitter / Instagram 

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